What Are Some Telltale Signs of a Scorpion Infestation and How to Handle It

signs of a scorpion infestation

Scorpions can be dangerous. Learn the signs of a scorpion infestation and deal with it

Your home is your safe haven and no intruder should be allowed to disturb your peace of mind. Sometimes uninvited intruders come in the form of insects and pests. Scorpions are dangerous and venomous arthropods that often infest a residential space. They belong to the class Arachnida and have a close resemblance with spiders.

Desert is the usual habitat of scorpions, but they are also found in Brazilian forests, North Carolina, and even extremely cold places like The Himalayas. Scorpions are arthropods and they have an exoskeleton instead of a proper bone structure. 

They have eight legs and two glands that produce poison. Venom is injected through the tail which consists of a venom-injecting barb. 

Scorpions pose a safety risk as they are venomous and their venom can paralyze their prey which ultimately leads to its death. Scorpions attack in self-defense. If you fear your home has been invaded by scorpions, be careful and take corrective measures straightaway. However, it is important to first identify a scorpion infestation correctly.

Scorpion infestation is more likely to occur if your home has the following prerequisites:

You Have A Shaded Yard

Scorpions are nocturnal by habit. They sleep during the day and they prefer sleeping in shady areas. A shaded yard will be an ideal place for a scorpion infestation to take place.

Your Garden is Lined With Citrus Trees

  • The bark scorpion is one of the most common species of scorpions found in the USA. Their ideal habitat comprises dark and wet environments. Citrus trees provide the perfect habitats for bark scorpions. 

You Find a Couple of Scorpions Here and There

Scorpions are territorial pests. Once they find a suitable place, they settle down for good and are hard to move around. If you spot a couple of scorpions in your garden, chances are there are more of them in the vicinity. A scorpion infestation is almost assured in such a case.

You Reside in A Warm Climate

  • Warm climates provide the optimum living conditions for scorpions. If you reside in Texas, Arizona, California, New Mexico, or other places with hot temperatures, then your chances of facing a scorpion infestation are much higher.

Your Home Has an Abundance of Insects

  • Insects such as crickets and cockroaches are the natural foods of scorpions. If your home has an abundance of similar insects, scorpions will find their way in. Any place that offers them an abundance of food will always be on their hit list.  

How to Handle a Scorpion Infestation?

Exterminate Their Food Source

Scorpions feed on common bugs. One of the easiest ways of handling a scorpion infestation is to exterminate their source of food. Use pesticides frequently to get rid of small-sized insects. 

Seal All Openings

  • Most scorpions are quite tiny and can get inside your home even through very small openings. Nevertheless, the best practice is to fill in and seal as many gaps as possible. Fill in possible entry points such as dryer vents, cracks in the foundation, or space below the doors. 

Sealing the entry points will prevent scorpions from entering your home and infesting it in the first place.

Go On A Scorpion Hunting Trip

  • If the scorpion infestation is in its early stages, we recommend you to go on the offense. At night, take a flashlight and go on a hunting trip in your garden. Make sure that the flashlight emits UV light as that makes the scorpions glow in the dark. Check the shady areas where scorpions are most likely to be found.

If you find some scorpions in your garden, it is time to call a local pest control service. Contact Go Local Pest control for all your scorpion infestation treatment needs. They will direct you to your nearest scorpion control services. 

source https://golocalpestcontrol.com/signs-of-a-scorpion-infestation-how-handle/

source https://golocalpestcontrol.tumblr.com/post/635835404307791872

What are the Causes, Treatment and Prevention for Ant Infestation?

prevention of ant infestation

Here are some very useful methods in the treatment and prevention of ant infestation

Unlike snakes or skunks, ants are social insects that live in colonies. Of course, a single ant isn’t harmful so when we’re talking about ant infestations, we’re usually talking about ant colonies being formed inside people’s homes. 

Ant colonies can contain hundreds and even thousands of ants. In the United States, the most common types of ant infestations are carpenter ants, crazy ants, fire ants, argentine ants, and leafcutter ants. 

Ant infestations are more common during the warmer months when ants are more active. Getting rid of an ant infestation is not a difficult task. These nasty little critters can easily be taken care of by following some simple steps. However, first, we must look into the causes of ant infestations

Causes/Signs of Ant Infestations:

  • As we mentioned before, ant infestations usually occur during the warmer months as this is when ants are the most active. They usually leave their nests in search of food and water. This is when they wander into the homes of people.

However, some species, such as carpenter ants may invade homes in order to create colonies inside moist or decaying wood. Ants can either choose to build nests outside the house and enter the house to forage for food, or they can actually build nests/colonies inside the house.

  • One of the biggest challenges that residents can face is actually locating where ants have built their nests. Ants mostly build nests inside walls or other elusive places where humans don’t look. 

However, when ants locate a food source, they leave a chemical pheromone alerting the entire nest about the location of the food source. Then, ants take the food back to their nest by going in a long trail. Following their trail can help you locate their nest.

Treatment and Prevention:

  • Ant infestations are not particularly difficult to deal with. Ants, despite numbering in the thousands, are not a direct threat to humans, unlike some other animals e.g.; snakes. But still, they are a nuisance and do pose health risks such as smallpox and dysentery. 

They can also cause damage to food supplies and property depending on where they build their nests. Furthermore, ants reproduce rapidly so their colonies can spread quickly. When talking about removing ant infestations, people immediately think of using chemical sprays or insect repellants. This is not a permanent solution because of the following two reasons:

  1. Insect repellants will only kill a few dozen ants, and the numbers are in thousands in an infestation
  2. Many store-bought insect repellents contain harmful chemicals that might damage a garden or other useful insects like ladybugs.
  • To find a permanent solution to an ant infestation, first, seal all entry points that may lead ants inside your home. This includes doors, windows, small cracks or openings inside walls, etc. Ants can very easily get inside homes through even the smallest openings so ensure that all entry points are sealed. 

Secondly, make sure that whatever is attracting ants inside your home i.e. food, etc is taken care of. This can be done by cleaning kitchen spills, placing food inside airtight containers or in the fridge, and making sure that no leftover crumbs are found. 

  • Ants can also swarm garbage bags for food so you must make sure that your trash bins are regularly cleaned and there are no leftovers inside the trash. In order to truly get rid of ant infestations, their colonies must be removed. For this, you can either contact a professional or you can use ant baits to get rid of these nests. 

If you are looking for an ant treatment company, contact Go Local Pest. 

source https://golocalpestcontrol.com/treatment-prevention-of-ant-infestation/

source https://golocalpestcontrol.tumblr.com/post/634506846431035392

Snake infestation signs and dangers

snake infestation signs to remember

Here are some of the most common snake infestation signs to remember

Snakes have always been a symbol of threat and danger to humans. They instill an eerie sense of fear and discomfort in many people. Ophidiophobia is described as the fear of snakes. It is one of the most common phobias that people suffer from. Few experiences are more daunting than finding a snake in your home. 

Snake infestations are quite common in many households across the US and they can be a real nuisance for many people. Most snake infestations involve Garter snakes. They are a harmless and non-poisonous species of snake that are found in North and Central America. 

However, there have also been cases of rattlesnakes and even pit vipers infesting homes. While snake infestations are not necessarily a life-threatening scenario, they can cause a whole host of problems for residents. 

Therefore it’s important to know the signs and dangers of a snake infestation and why it’s necessary to get rid of them in a proper manner.

Signs of Snake Infestations

There are certain telltale signs that indicate the presence of snakes in your house. Snakes are sneaky and spotting one in your home is not always easy. Snakes prefer to live in cold dark places and don’t normally confront humans. 

Look out for the following common signs of snakes infestations in your home:

  • Presence of snakeskin: Snakes usually shed their skin as they grow. Therefore, if you find pieces of snakeskin at places around the house such as inside walls, a garage, or a basement then beware. It is a sign that a snake might be hiding in your house.
  • Hearing strange noises: Snakes usually live in cold, dark places such as basements, garages, storage sheds, or even inside walls. If you hear any hissing sounds near such places, practice caution. Apart from hissing noises, you may also hear slithering noises occasionally. Rattlesnakes have a distinct rattling sound which they make when they are approached by humans.
  • Snake tracks: As snakes travel by slithering on the ground, their movement leaves tracks behind. 
  • Snake droppings: Snake droppings look like bird feces but they have a yellow liquid inside. They are brown in color and might contain bones of undigested prey. These droppings shouldn’t be touched by residents and should be cleaned by trained professionals.

Dangers of Snake Infestations:

Bear in mind that snakes don’t normally attack humans. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Snakes are actually fearful of humans and will do their best to avoid humans when possible. They attack only if they are provoked. Still, snake infestations are a nuisance and are a cause of the following dangers:

Threat to Humans

  • Any encounter with snakes is dangerous because snakes are venomous and can kill a human within minutes. Experts agree that snakes are 5000 more dangerous than Sharks. 

Findings from WHO state that there are 600 venomous species of snakes out of a total of 3000 species. Snake’s venom attacks the circulatory and nervous systems. Approximately 100,000 people die from snake venom every year. 

  • Whereas Garter snakes don’t pose much threat because they are non-poisonous, rattlesnakes and pit vipers are quite dangerous. These three species of snakes are commonly found in urban areas and around human settlements.

Threat to Pets

Although attacks on humans are rare, pets are much more likely to be attacked by snakes. Some pets, such as birds and chickens are natural prey for snakes. Snakes also attack other pets such as cats and dogs, possibly resulting in their deaths.

If you are facing a snake infestation, hurry up and contact Go Local Pest Control. They offer the best snake treatment services all across the USA.

source https://golocalpestcontrol.com/snake-infestation-signs-and-dangers/

source https://golocalpestcontrol.tumblr.com/post/633223185044733952

Perils of Bobcat Infestation for Human Settlements

bobcat infestation

Important things to know about Bobcat infestation and treatment

Bobcats are predatory animals. They belong to the lynx Rufus species. They are smaller in size than Canada lynx but almost double the size of a domestic cat. Wooded areas and jungles have been the original habitats of bobcats. However, due to deforestation, these cats now inhabit swamps, semi-deserts, and some urban areas.

Bobcats are found in North America and Canada. They are nocturnal animals and mostly hunt at night. Due to this, they remain elusive and humans don’t encounter them frequently. They are good hunters and can attack and kill animals larger than them. Whereas they don’t pose a direct threat to humans, they attack pets and livestock for feeding purposes. 

In order to determine the extent of the danger posed by bobcats, it is important to first determine the characteristics of bobcats. So let’s take a look.

Characteristics of Bobcats

  • They are medium-sized animals that weigh in between 6 to 11 kgs. Their bodies can extend up to 1.25 m in length and they are 50 to 60 cm tall.  
  • They have thick reddish-brown furs. The fur is adorned with blackish-brown spots. The color and patterns of their fur help them camouflage in the wild.
  • The most distinctive part of a bobcat is its very short tail compared to the rest of the body. The tail is 4-6 inches in length.
  • Bobcats are quick on their feet. They stalk their prey before attacking it. They have well-developed senses of smell, hearing, and sight which makes them good hunters.
  • Bobcats are carnivores. Their usual preys are small deers and stags, birds, mice, and rabbits. 
  • Bobcats are skilled hunters. They have the ability to jump up to three meters to pounce upon their prey. Their sharp claws and teeth can cause much damage to their prey. This enables them to hunt animals much bigger than them in size. 

Dangers Posed by Bobcats to Human Settlements

Whereas bobcats are not as dangerous as cougars and mountain lions, they pose a reasonable threat to human settlements as they are wild animals. The following observations have been made regarding threats posed by bobcats to human settlements:

  • Bobcats are reclusive animals. They are shy and tend to avoid people and do not consider them prey that can be hunted. This is why they don’t pose a direct threat to humans. However, a rabid bobcat can display erratic behaviors. It can become aggressive around humans and can attack them. 
  • Rabid bobcats can cause physical harm as well as transmit rabies which is a very dangerous disease. 
  • Mother bobcats that have young cubs lying around can become aggressive and defensive if they feel threatened by humans.
  • Bobcats can attack children if they don’t maintain their distance from them. Their sharp claws and teeth can do a lot more harm than the domestic cat.
  • Bobcats adapt according to their environment. Overtime, bobcats can lose their fear of humans and become comfortable with urban life. 

How to Steer Clear of Bobcats?

If you fear the presence of bobcats in your whereabouts, you should take the following precautionary measures to keep them away from your home and yard:

  • Bobcats would be attracted to your yard for food. Make sure that they don’t find any food sources there. Keep your yard clean of the animal carcass and keep your pets indoors during nighttime.
  • Bring pet feed indoors during night time.
  • Bobcats attack chickens and other poultry animals. Make sure that poultry and livestock are placed in secure pens that cannot be breached by bobcats.
  • Fence your yard’s walls with barbed wires to ward bobcats off the boundary. 

If there is a growing population of bobcats in your neighborhood, the situation can quickly escalate and become threatening. To control a bobcat infestation, take help from your local pest control company. Visit Go Local Pest. They will help you find your nearest bobcat treatment company.

source https://golocalpestcontrol.com/bobcat-infestation-for-human-settlements/

source https://golocalpestcontrol.tumblr.com/post/632683373147701248

All You Need to Know About A Wasp Infestation

wasp infestation what you need to know

Looking for ways to deal with a wasp infestation?

Wasps are small insects, yet they are quite fearful. They are aggressive, poisonous, and protective about their territory. They sting and bite anyone they presume to be a threat. Despite their frightening appearance and blatant show of aggressiveness, wasps are quite beneficial for our ecosystems. 

They prey upon tiny insects and grubs that are harmful to our gardens. So far, 30,000 species of wasps have been identified. 

Wasps prefer nesting in shaded areas such as underneath trees. They nest inside the tree structures as well. Sometimes wasps set up their nests somewhere near homes which is problematic for the residents. If you find a wasp nest inside or outside your property, it can easily lead to a wasp infestation wherein the wasp population will enter into 4 digits over a short period of time. 

How To Identify a Wasp Infestation?

One of the important telltale signs of a wasp infestation is to frequently encounter wasps. If you find more than 10 wasps in a day at your home, you should know that there is a wasp nest nearby. The first step to control a wasp infestation is to identify the species of wasps. Let us take a look at the most common types of wasp species which can infest your home:

  • Yellow Jackets

Their most prominent feature is the yellow and black stripes that run all across their bodies. Their bodily length ranges from 0.375 to 0.625 inches. Yellow jacket wasps are found all across America. They form nests inside trees or on the ground. Sometimes their nests are found hanging from structures such as tree branches.  

  • Paper Wasps

Paper wasps have brown-black bodies that are decorated with red markings. The markings are also found on the wasp’s head and abdomen. Paper wasps are usually found in North America. They grow up to be 1 inch in length. Their nests are made of paper-like material. Paper wasps build their nests on sturdy plants that are nearly touching the grounds.

  • Hornets

Hornets have black bodies that are adorned with pale yellow or white stripes. Hornets’ nests are made of paper-like material. Their nests are usually found on low-hanging sturdy plants or trees high up the ground. Sometimes hornets make nests near buildings and homes as well.

How to Treat a Wasp Infestation?

One of the most effective ways to deal with a wasp infestation is to drench the nest with a spray formulated for killing wasps. Follow these guidelines while treating a wasp infestation on your own.

  • Hornet nests should be sprayed at night. Care should be taken to not perturb the nest. The rationale behind attacking the nest at night is to catch the workers and queen in the nest. The queen and workers are usually not present during the day.
  • Hornets are less aggressive during the night. When approaching a nest, do not shine bright white light on the nest rather use a dim red light. The bright white light can make the hornets aware of their predators. 
  • Since the spray is poisonous, avoid spraying over surrounding trees and bushes.
  • Protective gear should be worn while dealing with a wasp infestation. This gear includes gloves, goggles, coveralls, hat, and a long-sleeved shirt. 
  • Check the surrounding areas of the wasp nest. If you see signs of some wasp activity in the surrounding areas, spray over them as well. 
  • Remove the wasp nest a day after the treatment. Remain on the lookout for further wasp activity in the area.

Treating a wasp infestation can be dangerous and carries potential risks. We recommend you call the professionals for getting rid of a wasp infestation. Visit Go Local Pest Control. They will direct you to your nearest pest control services. 

source https://golocalpestcontrol.com/know-about-a-wasp-infestation/

source https://golocalpestcontrol.tumblr.com/post/632052982509436928

Why is a Bat Infestation Problematic?

dealing with bat infestation

Bat infestation becoming out of control? Here’s what you need to do

Bats received quite a lot of spotlight in 2020 as they have been held responsible for the spread of coronavirus. More scientific research is required to prove the validity of this claim. Whatever the case may be, bats can pose different dangers to humans especially if they infest their homes.

Bats are nocturnal mammals. As forests have thinned over the centuries, bats have been forced to cohabit with humans in cities. Bats usually stay outdoors but sometimes they get inside human dwellings and make a place for them. Over time, their natural habitat for roosting such as tree bark has become scarce. Hence they seek refuge in home structures such as attics. 

Let us see why a bat infestation can be problematic for you and how to get rid of it.

Bats Can Cause Rabies

  • Bats are mobile, they travel long distances and interact with different species. Due to this, they become carriers of different diseases. Rabies is one common and dangerous disease associated with bats. Most cases of rabies in the USA originate from the bites of bats. A bat infestation increases the chances of humans contracting rabies.

If you accidentally sleep in the same room that has a bat hidden somewhere, you should undergo a series of rabies vaccines. During your sleep, you may have been bitten by a bat but didn’t notice it. If you do not wish to get rabies vaccines over a hunch, then the alternative is to catch the bat and get it tested for rabies. 

Rabies is a fatal disease which disrupts the nervous system. While there is no sure-shot way of knowing whether the bat is rabies’ carrier, lookout for the following telltale signs:

  • Infected bats inhabit lower altitudes such as the lawn or a bedroom.
  • Infected bats are not deterred by human contact and don’t panic when approached.
  • The bat has difficulty flying and is active during the daytime.

Bats Can Cause Histoplasmosis

  • Histoplasmosis is a disease of the respiratory system caused by bat droppings. Guano (bat droppings) contain a fungus called Histoplasma capsulatum. If multiple bats are residing on your roof or your attic, your chances of inhaling fungal spores through guano are increased. 

While Histoplasmosis isn’t generally fatal, it can cause serious repercussions for people with weak immune systems. In general, Histoplasmosis causes symptoms similar to flu.

Damage to Home

  • A large number of bats can damage and compress the insulation of your ceilings and walls. If the insulation has been compromised, it will affect the R-value for insulation. A lower R-value means higher electricity bills. 

Along with this, an accumulation of bat droppings is also problematic. On average, a bat produces 20-30 droppings in a day. Bats are social creatures and tend to form larger colonies. If you have a bat infestation on your rooftop, the pile of bat droppings can grow quickly. 

  • Bat droppings invite multiple pests like cockroaches and worms. Accumulated bat droppings are a nuisance and a health hazard. 

How to Control A Bat Infestation

You can control a bat infestation by:

  • Identifying the entry points of the bats and sealing them. Bats can enter from holes as small as a human thumb. Upon identification, seal them with caulk.
  • Do not seal all the entries as bats have to fly out as well. You can install a one-way check-valve that allows bats to exit but doesn’t let them come back in.
  • Seek professional help and call local pest control services. Visit Go Local Pest Control. They will help you find the best pest control services in your area.

source https://golocalpestcontrol.com/why-is-a-bat-infestation-problematic/

source https://golocalpestcontrol.tumblr.com/post/631411268631363584